Monday, 13 September 2010

Stolen Painting

This is a detail from I painting I sold a few years ago. The painting was stolen but I'm glad to say I still have this jpeg.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Nearly Finished

This is nearly finished. 

Monday, 12 April 2010

Easter Bunny Gone Gaga

This bunny missed the Easter egg hunt ....
Can imagine an extensive wig being 'teased' into a couple of downright enormous ears!! (I bet this idea gets nicked for the next vid)

Another Face

These likenesses are hard to get. I've been grappling with Ms Hurley for some time and after chucking out some very carefully drawn, even slick looking pieces that took aaaaages, I have reverted to a sketch that took less than 10 minutes. It isn't totally Liz but there is enough of her to make it worth while. (Sorry you have one eye smaller than the other, Liz but you did in the shot I used for reference!)

Monday, 29 March 2010

Who Is This?

I am hoping he is recognizable.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Work In Progress

Haven't posted up here for some time.

Currently lots going on.

Am hoping to exhibit some  work in November which I would like to be mostly new drawings.

Here's a collage-y style doodle containing stuff that has been happening in my world. It isn't complete and I am going to post the finished piece alongside this one, in the near future.  'Tis black, white and red, again, a fave combination.

See the crappiness of my scanner. With lid firmly shut it lets in the light creating a shadowy effect that sometimes I enjoy and can work with but I got to get a new one.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Literary Magazine - Ted Hughes

Am doing something for a literary magazine and thought I'd put it up here.

In a short time, I'll be adding a new category to my website. Not sure what to call it as 'caricatures' has a ring of naffness about it. 'Faces', 'portraits'.... I don't know but anyway, I'll show some of them here first.